

React Functional or Class Components: Everything you need to know


What if I told you there was a way to make your React code easier to understand, test, and perform better? As it turns out, functional components are a simple way to accomplish all of these goals and more.

In this guide, I will teach you everything you need to know, like why, how, and when to use functional components in React..

React's Component Showdown: Functional vs. Class—Unmasking the Mystery:

The debate between functional and class components in terms of performance has been a hot topic in the React community. Class components have traditionally been the workhorse, handling lifecycle methods with precision. The introduction of functional components and react hooks, however, has resulted in a significant shift in the landscape.

What are Class Components?

Class components offer a robust set of lifecycle methods, allowing developers to fine-tune the behavior of their components at different stages. From `componentDidMount` for initial setup to `componentWillUnmount` for cleanup, the lifecycle methods provide a structured approach to managing state and side effects.

However, one drawback is that all lifecycle methods contribute to the component's overall bundle size, potentially impacting performance. In scenarios where only a subset of lifecycle methods is needed, the extra baggage may seem unnecessary.

A class component can keep its internal state and handle lifecycle events, which are methods that are initiated by default at certain points in the component's lifecycle, such as when the component first appears or when its status or position changes. They can also respond to lifecycle methods like `componentDidMount()`, `componentDidUpdate()`, and others.

Here is an example of a class component:

class Header extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = { text: 'Hello world!' };

    render() {
        return <h1>{this.state.text}</h1>;

The Header class in the above example is a class component that extends React.Base class for components. The render method returns a JSX element, which is an h1 element displaying a user greeting

The constructor method is used to initialize the state, and the super() method is required to call the parent class React's constructor. The render() method of a component is used to return the JSX code that describes what the component should render.

It should be noted that functional components with hooks can be used to replace some use cases of class components, which is considered best practice.

What are Functional Components?

Class components are ES6 classes, and Functional Components are functions. The only constraint for a functional component is to accept props as an argument and return valid JSX.

Let's take a look:

function Hello(props){
   return <div>Hello {}</div>

In the above example is a functional component.

The absence of state and lifecycle methods distinguishes this type of component from a class component. This is why functional components are also known as stateless components.

Below is the same component written in ES6:

const Hello = ({name}) => <div>Hello {name}</div>

Here’s the same component, but written as a class component:

class Hello extends Component{
      return <div>Hello {}</div>

So now you know the key differences that make functional components different from class components.

Why use Functional Components?

You might be wondering what the big deal is about a component that removes functionality. However, it turns out that constraints are frequently extremely valuable.

Let's get started. Here are four compelling reasons to begin using functional components:

1. Functional components may have improved performance.

Because functional components lack state and lifecycle methods, you'd think that the internals of React could avoid unnecessary overhead like lifecycle events. Unfortunately, this is not the case right now.

2. Functional components are easy to debug

Functional components rely solely on the props they are given to produce an output, making debugging easier. There is no need to continuously log the component's state in order to understand what is going on.

3. Reusable functional components are more common.

By removing function level state, we frequently make our components easier to use and more widely applicable. 

4. It is simple to test functional components.

It is simpler to test functional components because there are no hidden states or complications to contend with. Functional components have exactly one output for each input (prop).

Why do developers prefer Functional Components over Class Components?

 There are numerous reasons why functional components are preferable to class components when developing using ReactJS, but here are five of the most important.

1. Performance: Functional components are more effective than class components because they lack the overhead of extra features like the ability to use the "this" keyword.

2. Conciseness: Because functional components do not require a render method or a return statement, they are more concise than class components.

3. Simplicity: Because functional components are just plain JavaScript functions, they are often easier to understand and read than class components, which require knowledge of class syntax and lifecycle methods.

4. Hooks: React Hooks, introduced in React v16.8, work only with functional components. They allow developers to gain access to state information.

5. Reusability: Because they do not have this constraint, functional components are more reusable, which can cause problems when supporting a component.

It's worth noting that, since the introduction of hooks, the distinction between functional and class components has blurred, so you can use whatever method you want in most cases, but functional components are preferred because there are modern and recommended methods.


While functional components have improved in terms of performance, the choice between functional and class components isn't always black and white. The performance difference may be negligible in many cases, and other factors such as code readability and maintainability may take precedence.

Internal optimizations in React have also reduced the performance gap between functional and class components as of 2023. Instead of relying solely on general assumptions, developers are encouraged to profile and measure performance in their specific use cases in order to make informed decisions.

We hope that we have adequately covered this subject. If you have any questions about React components, please post them in the question box below, and our support team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Happy studying!

My name is Sen Gideons, you can drop your comments below is you have any problem or suggestions, Thanks.

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